Monday, July 18, 2011

Help! What does "by the party so incapacitated" means in this phrase?

It means that someone can't call a strike against the company, and then sue the company for breach of contract because they can't deliver the goods because of the strike which that same person called in the first place. It also means the company can't lock an employee out, and then turn around and sue that employee for breach of contract because that employee didn't show up for work.

Three pink evap lines with new choice hpt?

wondering if i'm pregnant or not? three pink evap lines in a row...what are the odds? these lines are only visible several hours after taking the test. any thoughts?

What dictates being a man/woman?

Just how the genders are. I know the lines r blurred a bit more, as not everyone just knows how to b a man or woman and just fit into the societies they're in. But generally, there's a way women act n generally, there's a way men act. Generally, men r more dominant physically than women. But this changes too, because women use their "feminine wiles" to dominate men, n sometimes, r perceived as manly due to their dominance. On the contrary, if men submit to women for any reason, some might say they're a bit feminine. No one seems to care what works for others and how they're happy or sad.

My balloon molly just drop fry but looks like she is getting more pregnant. Why?

I bought a pregnant balloon molly four days ago and she dropped four fry two hours after putting her in the new tank. I was shocked by how small the amount of fry was and how quickly she had them after being put in the tank, but I thought maybe it was just a small load and odd timing. Recently, however, she has been getting larger, as if she is getting further along in her pregnancy. Is it possible that the shock of moving to a new tank caused her to prematurely release some fry, and she will drop a larger amount soon? I want to save all the fry I can, but I also don't want to put her in a breeding chamber if it isn't necessary. Thanks!

Should I go to the beach with my Hypocrite Sister-in-law?

I personally wouldnt do them any favors after she talked crap behind your back, she'll think she got away with it. plus its not like you owe her anything anyway.If she really cared, she would be the one trying to fix things between you.

Love him or Leave him?

that don,t sound right,,put your foot down,now, its you or them,,do it now, or you will never come FIRST, with him,,

The Johnsons have accumulated a nest egg of $18,000 that they intend to use as a down payment toward the purch?

The Johnsons have accumulated a nest egg of $18,000 that they intend to use as a down payment toward the purchase of a new house. Because their present gross income has placed them in a relatively high tax bracket, they have decided to invest a minimum of $1300/month in monthly payments (to take advantage of the tax deduction) toward the purchase of their house. However, because of other financial obligations, their monthly payments should not exceed $1600. If local mortgage rates are 7.5%/year compounded monthly for a conventional 30-yr mortgage, what is the price range of houses they should consider? (Round your answers to the nearest cent.)

What are the odds of her getting pregnant?

ok so im 18 and so is the girl and we had sex and it shouldnt of happened but we did and she takes birth control everyday at the exact same time. and i didnt wear a condom and i pulled out. what are the chances she could get prego. i know they arent high but its got me a lil worried. please answer. thank you!

How do i decide on army medic (68 whiskey) or navy corpsman?

I'm 19 years old and already have my nremt EMT-B cert/license already. My asvab score was 92 so im deff. quallified. My recruiters call me crazy for wanting to become a medic but that's neither here nor there. I just want to get a better idea of any differences there are. I want to see combat and be on a line unit and i understand that is not guaranteed with either. But as far as the navy corpsman. If i want to go green side after my ait training with a (fmf) will i be able to get it? or is there a better chance for me to join army as a medic. (since they provide field training already). What are the odd as a navy corpsman that i could get greenside with the marines if i volunteer for it and let my commanding officers know i want it.

Can I still be made to pay rent on a property I no longer want to move in to and have signed no contract?

You don't have to pay anything until you sign a lease. You will lose the deposit because they also lost the opportunity to fill the space while it was held for you.

I want another baby, and it's driving me crazy.?

I am the same way! I have an eight month old daughter and I want another baby! The timing is not right at all but oh my goodness pregnancy is on my mind all the time! My sister and I were 16 months apart and my dh is an irish twin (they are 11) months apart. I loved having a sister so close but for heath reasons we should wate atleast another 10 months. I feel your pain but when we are more ready for the next baby the wating will make it that much better

Why did he tell me this? 10 points?

I told my bf that I am not sure in what way I like him. I feel very close to him and theres time I feel like he's a very close friend or like a brother to me. Then there's time I want him romantically. Perhaps I'm confuse because he is my 1st bf ever. He told me he wouldn't know what to do if I talked to him, without wanting to kiss me if we were to break up. Then I said I probably need to meet other guys, and no I don't date around, I don't see that as a womanly thing. But makes friends and probably from my guy bunch see if there is one where I don't have to question my feelings.He said they'll call me a "slut" if I go around not in that way but talking to oen guy afetr the other lol we just laugh and i guess we reconciled.

What obligations do Buddhists have that separate them from Atheist?

I'll admit that I don't know much about Buddhism so this may be a stupid question to some if not most people. It just bothers me that the religion that is least controversial is not practiced as much. By definition an atheist is someone who does not believe in any gods, is this the only thing different from being Buddhist?

What are the real odds of someone becoming famous?

You always here Famous people talking like "I had no help my dreams lead me here" Etc and what are the REAL odds for you to get famous with out knowing anyone like a agent,or you mom or dad was famous and just posting something on youtube?

Question about trans-gender children?

I have a q, how do doctors tell babies are hermaphrodites when they have one genders part down stairs and the opposite genders part upstairs cuz all babies chests look the same, so how could they know before the child hit puberty. I saw a show a year ago about a baby who was a few months old that had manly parts upstairs but womanly parts downstairs and they were trying to decide if it should be a girl or a boy but I was just like how do you tell?

Why are Asian women seen as most feminine and Black women seen as more masculine?

It has little to do with physical features. It has more to do with personality and behavior. Having grown up on the south side of chicago and going to school my whole life with black people. Have worked 7 years at a predominately black hospital. I can say with a life time of experience that the majority of black women I met were more loud and boisterous then other types of women. It doesn't mean I didn't find them attractive. It was just part of their culture.

Does anyone think this is odd?

I wouldn't say it's weird. A lot of the kids I live by do that. The older ones feel older and playing with them makes them feel more responsible.

Why doesn't McCourt just sell the team to someone who can afford it?

pay off his debts from the sale and get the heck out of LA. I'm sorry but he should be able to meet his obligations TV deal or not. How much of a douchebag does one have to be to get to the point where you are the biggest douchebag in LA?

Changing childs last name?

So we live in ca just got Temp full custody of my stepson hopefully it will be permanent soon. My bf is not on the bc and did not get to pick any part of the name his ex is an evil b*tch.... Anyway we picked name change forms & the clerk sd to ask mom if shed be willing to atleast add dads last name of course she said never. So we will be asking the judge for a court order and im wondering what are the odds that it will be granted? Is it possible? We have a son together who has dads last name and my poor stepson doesnt understand why hes not like papa and lil brother..... What can we do?

Period/puberty question. Only women answer please.?

So I'm 16 (my birthday was in February) and I'm pretty sure I just had my first period. I had barely any vaginal discharge a few months ago, I have no armpit hair, small breasts, I'm short and I have hair "down there". I've been having irregular spotting (basically every other day) and cramps for 4 days. Is this normal for a first period? Should I get checked out by a doctor? I need some womanly advice! And advice is much appreciated (:

Will my hips eventually widen?

i am 14 and barely got my second period in my whole life two weeks ago (yeah i know i am a late bloomer) but i was just wondering will i ever get fuller hips i have wide pelvic bones that jut out bbut no hips...nd i feel awkward cause all my friends have hips except for my they looked like they were coming in but i am unsure if i am going to stop here plus my wasit isnt to thin(womanly shaped not skinny i mean) because i am skinny i am 5' 8" 1/2 and way 120 so may that also be contributing

Co-signing sponsor Immigration form 864 ...(affidavit of support)?

well, if the lady in question runs into financial problems and needs help, you're it. . she's not eligible for public funds, unlike your US friend. if she doesn't need help, you don't have to do anything. If you feel uncomfortable with it, don't sign it.

HELP is this genital herpes or something else?

I have had a boyfriend for a year, who is std free. My last std test showed that i was completely clean, and i have not had ANY sexual contact with any one else since being with him. Last week my family went camping, and my sister got these odd looking bumps on the back of her thigh towards the end of the week. We all assumed they were bad spider or bug bites of some sort. She said they hurt rather than itched. A few days later she told me she also had them in her vaginal area... we still assumed they were bug bites at this point. I got a "bug bite" on my inner thigh (way closer to my knee than vag area) a few days after she got hers. We got home and she looked up her symptoms online and freaked out that it might be genital herpes. She had sex with a guy the week earlier and thought that might be what it's from. She went in to get tested, and still hasn't gotten the results back. She asked the guy if he knew he had the std, and he said he gets checked often and was clean as far as he knew. But apparently normal std tests dont test you for herpes... so it could be possible that he has it and has no symptoms? Now i'm freaked out because i'm starting to get the same bug bite looking things on my vagina as well. I was wondering if i could get genital herpes from non-sexual contact??? I'm seriously freaked out. I have no idea what else it could be but I just can't believe i got it just from being around my sister. There was also another girl we went camping with who got the same bug bite looking things on her leg as well. she is 15, im 19, and my sister is 22 by the way. my sister finds out her test results tomorrow, and if it comes up positive i will go to a doctor ASAP. i just wanted to ask on here if anyone knows what else it could be, and if its even possible that i could have gotten it somehow without sexual contact? this really sucks :/ thanks for your help

What causes the mysterious wind coming from the Klopeks house?

If you've seen 'The 'Burbs" you know what I'm talking about. I've watched the movie and what striked me as odd was in the beginning when Ray Peterson walked over to the property line of the Klopeks and as soon as he stepped onto their brown grass the wind kicks up and the lights in the basement go out. Then as soon as he steps off the grass the wind stops. What is the reason behind this?

Catching a stray/feral cat?

In my friends neighborhood, there are literally hundred of cats. She lives in a townhouse area, and the cats love to go into the crawl spaces, they live there. The cats will bathe in the sun on peoples porches during the day, and they are always really scared when approached. Except one cat, which is really more of a kitten, that just kinda walks away, he/she doesn't sprint away like the others. This cat, which I have personally named Henry, is skinny. What's odd about it is that the cats will sit on one persons porch, then when they get scared, they run around the edge of the building (the house that they lay on is the second to last house in the row of townhouses, so it isn't far) and into one of the back porch type areas. Every home has one, they are about jail cell sized and fenced in. The cats will run into the last house's (the last house in the row of houses, the neighbor to the house that the cats sit on) back porch type thing. If you look in the house that they ran to's back porch, you see a wide open crawl space. Anyway, they live there. There is about 3-4 cats that I have seen that live there. One, is, of course, Henry. He seems really nice, and you can tell that he most likely is a stray and not just a feral cat. For the last two days I've been chilling on the other side of the fence, waiting for a chance to catch him. Today I brought him some food, and stuck it threw the gate. The gate is locked, I have tried to open it...It doesn't budge. He'll just sit there and intently listen to my voice as I talk to him. Though he is still a little skeptical of me, you can tell, he is still better with me than I would imagine with anyone else. I want to catch him, for the fact that he in so skinny, and that he deserves a better life than to live in the wild. I read somewhere that wild cats only live for a maximum of 4 years. He will sit on the other side of the gate, in arms reach, you know, if the fence wasn't there. Today I nearly got him to eat out of my hand, before I just gave up and gave him the food threw the gate. I know that once my family, or Megans family, (my friend that lives in the townhouses) sees the cat, they'll immediately decide to keep it. They would never have the heart to just tell us to send it back to the wild. I understand that the cat could be dangerous, and I don't care. I'm positive that when we get the money, and I'm talking about if we were to keep the cat, we'll take him/her to the vet and try to get it's vaccines and get the kitty all set up. So my question really is how should I go about catching it without it hating or being frightened of me forever. I know that some of you might think that it is a bad idea, but I know what "animal control" does when it gets strays. I will simply not stand for it. I'm not calling, no matter what the situation turns out to be. Well, thanks.

(MEN AND LESBIAN WOMEN) What do you think of girls with deep (almost man-like) voices?

Looks or voice aren't a big deal to me. If you have a good personality, then any guy should like you. If you are mean or don't have a likable personality, then sorry to say, but I don't think many guys would be attracted to you.

Do i even bother with this scorpio male......should i go after or move on?

not sure what to do at this point because weve been together for a few years and hes usually happy then disappears but its odd that he would all of the sudden disappear when i sent him a cute text and we are always close and emotional becos im a cancer and i feel like if i text again id be clingy but i dont know what he wants i want to go back to talking

Am I playing the Mistress part,again?

Your 25 you have your whole life ahead of you. Why would you want an already made family? His kids are going to cause your marriage stress. Blended families are not all what they are cracked up to be believe me I live in one. You have a clean slate. There are millions of men out there why pick a married one. I believe he is pulling the wool over your eyes. I think he is trying to make his marriage work while keeping you on a string. He would still be camming you at night if he was on the up and up. I know it is going to hurt but believe me it will hurt later on if you are going to get with him even worse. My suggestion is leave him. Find a single guy with no children. You are still so young and still have so much life don't waste it on some married guy with children.

Are you an "ideal democratic citizen"?

I'm neither. I'm a highly politically aware citizen who recognizes that democracy is just two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner, and that the United States was not designed to be a democracy.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Have you ever thought to yourself, "Woah that guy is really good looking" even when though you are straight?

Let's say you see this really hot guy and wish you could have sex with him even though you're a really, really, extremely hetero male. Why is having these normal thoughts considered odd? All guys do this. Just like all girls think other girls are attractive. As long as you don't act on it, it's completely normal. Right?

How should a husband and wife split the responsibilities?

This is the first week she hasn't had the kids? Think of it as her vacation. If she usually does the household chores, and this week she doesn't feel like it, cut her some slack. I can think of something else (much more fun) that the two of you could be doing instead of cleaning.

Can a Teenage Boy have excess estrogen hormone inbalance?

Talk to your doctor. There are simple blood tests that can be done to determine hormone levels and treatment.

LGBT: Do you find that you prefer older men/women?

i am 18 and, i have never been attracted to anyone who was my age or younger than me.. it is both a mental and physical thing.. it's just.. no one my age or younger appeals to me in those respects. i am 18 and with a man 11 years older than me, and i know i wouldn't be this happy with anyone else, especially not someone my age.

Two weeks notice question?

So I have found a new job that wants me to start on July 11th. I gave two weeks to my employer on Friday, but since I am out of the office for three days this week they wanted me to stay a few extra days so that I'm in for ten days. I'm not sure I want to and know I have no obligation to. I want to be professionally courteous though since they have employed me for three years? What would you do if you were in my shoes? Thanks!

If a guy is flirtitious with his friend then gets a gf?

He was always flirting a lot with his friend who is a girl (lets call her Sara) until he got a gf, lets call her Jane. And I mean flirting with real heavy hints. When he was flirting with Sara, even then at the same time he was spending time with Jane- the girl who is now his gf. Sara didnt know this then. Jane officially becomes his gf, he tells his Sara (ofcourse everythings gets very awkward when he is about to utter something flirtitious and generally awkward) What does this say about him? The friend hasn't developed real feelings for him (maybe a little, but she can get over it because she thought his flirting meant something but hoped it didnt), but she sort of feels used now. Anyone clarify what the deal could have been? Should the friend confront him about it, like ask what that was about. Was he a player, he didnt have to himself initiate to flirt with Sara everytime and ruin the friendship, then get a gf and everything gets odd.

Break up over IM and doesn't wanna talk in person wtf?

This girl i been seeing for over a year just broke up with me through an IM i want to talk in person but she doesn't see the point. She wanted to have me come over after she got back from hanging out with a friend but i didn't hear from her in 4 days and was worried entire time. When was finally able to get a hold of her because she doesn't have a phone and can only IM to get a hold of people she said we're over and shes stop loving me but we were getting along great week before. I feel as though she doesn't wanna see me because she's not over me and made a mistake and feels guilty and seeing me she wont be able to get over me. The way things went down she feels like she didn't do anything wrong with how she ended things. This isn't how she usually is people noticed shes been acting odd for a week or so. I'm hurt but i need to know everything and i doubt i will be friends with her but need her to talk with me in person.

What do you think of this future phone call between a T-party President and a NATO ally?

Well bro, seeing how Obama treats our best allies Israel and Britain like sh*t, I think the libs would get the same reaction from our "allies". We are a soverign country we are not an extension of the nato arm. We do 90% of the hard work and funding of NATO as it is. They need us not the other way around bro.

Do you think I'm a weird woman?

This didn't bother me til now. I'm 24 & don't live the "woman stereotype". I hardly dress beautiful/hott (mainly because I fear attracting perverted men) & I'm not into "womanly" things like: makeup, having kids, or finding love. I remember my family being afraid that I might go homo. What if I do?

The basment guys? legit company?

i entered a contest they had that was listed on my local news channels website and they called me and asked me if i wanted a free inspection with no obligation to buy anything on top of that they are giving me a free 1,000 dolor gift certificate is this just a scam or come on my dad says they will make up something that cost 7,000 and then just take a 1,000 off and make it 6,000

What's wrong with my Facebook account?

This problem occurred today, and yesterday. I logged into facebook, like I normally do, and I tried to open my chat window. It didn't open all the way, it just froze, so I reloaded the page and tried the same thing again, and nothing. And it's not that no one was online, because it said on the bar "Chat (47)." And even when I looked to the left side, I didn't my friends' pictures like I usually do. So I thought that was odd. So then I tried to click the notification picture to view my notifications. It did the same thing! It FROZE! And I did the same thing again, I reloaded the page, and it happened again. So then I tried to scroll down my news feed, and usually when I scroll down my news feed, it runs down smoothly, but this time I had to press the downward arrow. And when I pressed it guess what happened? NO, it didn't freeze, it just pushed me back up to the top of the page! And plus, it didn't even show me anymore posts! Then I tried to look at one of my friend's pictures and it froze! I don't know how this problem happened and I don't know what to do! I know facebook has been changing a little, and it might be due to that, but I am an AVID facebook-er, and I can't stand the fact that I can't check my notifications, or see what my friends are doing! So if there's anything that I can do ASAP, please, PLEASE, let me know!

Big boobs, turn on or turn off?

I'm a small breasted girl and my boyfriend says there beautiful! I think its all down to personal preference. I sometimes think i'd like a bigger bust, but in all honesty i don't mind having a small bust as i can get away with more fashions than i would if i had a bigger . Rosie hunglington whitley has small breasts and is rated the sexiest women alive! Then you have a women with a larger breast and ultimate curves like Scarlett Johanson. So in my opnion women come in all shapes and sizes no sizes is right or wrong and there all beautiful!

I can't see any of my subscriptions' uploads on my YouTube homepage?

So for the past 8 hours out of all my 500 odd subscriptions and 1,000 friends no one has uploaded a video apparently. Also when I go on my channel there is no subscription box. Is this just happening to me?

Cant help but to flirt or even sleep with every man i come in contact with? Histrionic personality disorder?

i am very flirty with any man i come in contact with. I often act suggestively and use my womanly charm. i am pretty accepting of the stares and comments i get from men. It is very hard for me to decipher when a man is deemed as off limits but even when i do realize that i have boundaries, i totally disregard them and go in on whats "mine". Any guy who i am remotely attracted to will be "victim". These men range from 18-40 years of age (i am 17) and they can be friends boyfriends, my boyfriends friends, my moms boyfriend, married men and any other guy that i want. I typically am very indifferent to how i affect others with my sexuality even though it has ruined a lot of relationships with family, friends, and significant others. I am currently on my 26th sexual partner and i cant help to control myself! Ive been to therapy years ago but it may be time for another session! I crave this type of attention and im not sure if this is healthy!? Give advice please?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Womanly problems help!?

OK.. so i had sex for the first time in january and for a while now ive had alot of excess vaginal discharge and it gets like every where. Its sometimes thicker and has a yellowish tint to it. ive taken a STD screaning and im clear, but idk if this is normal or not?... help!

Why do I feel this way?

The reason you feel like this is probably because you want what you can't have. Remember that you broke up with him because you didn't like him any more. And if he still liked you the way he did you wouldn't care, it's just the fact that he has moved on and you can't have him any more. Stop thinking about him. Delete any messages, texts, emails, anything off him. And don't talk to him. Leave him as a friend on facebook but hide his posts on your homepage..and his girlfriend's. You will find someone else, but until then just have fun. Enjoy being single and something will come along when you least expect it!

☺ Poll : Agree Or Disagree > Not Wearing High Heels Makes You Less-Womanly !?

If its a dress up kind of event then yea heels look feminine over flats. But they r not for everyday wear cuz its not good for ur back or muscles on the legs. Im talking from experience. I own like 20 pairs of heels myself

Sharp pain in lower right of my tummy and an odd period?

sorry to post again, im having a really odd period but has been surgested its implatation bleeding, but i have quite a sharp pain in the lower of my tummy on my right about four fingers up from the top of my leg, is this normal or could something be wrong? also i was ment to go out tonight to dance but not sure if i should, what would you do?

What would a president Rick Perry do to address the following issues?

Every one of these issues is just a symptom of a great disease - lack of confidence by Americans in American exceptionalism. Rick Perry can restore that and by doing so, the American people, not government, will solve these problems.

'MEN' The pressure for woman to look a certain way...does it really matter to men?

No I don't care really. I have learned that most women put efforts into their appearances to socially compete with other women. Attraction to men is often a factor too, but many women strive to be the envy of other women in a social setting.

All good things must come to an end. The powerhouse that was Liverpool football club is no more ?

liverpool was never a powerhouse in recent times, the only time they were a powerhouse was with rafa benitez when they had a chance to win premier league but blew it and finished second

Is it true that you stop growing at 16 years of age?

People ALWAYS tell me this, but it's a hard thing to believe considering I'm turning 15 soon and I'm not very tall and my breasts are just peeking out. Oh, and my "womanly figure" hardly even kicked in yet. And as for my period, never started yet. That would mean I only have 1 year and 6 months to catch up. That really sucks, and it kind of makes me nervous.

Can a doctor refuse to see a patient after the appointment has been made?

A patient was scheduled for appointment with our office and was drugged out of her mind. Had already seen multiple doctors and got multiple scripts for narcotics. What is are legal obligations for this patient if we had not seen her yet?

Should Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas resign ?

In 1969, Justice Abe Fortas resigned in disgrace after the nation learned that he had accepted tens of thousands of dollars worth of gifts from corporate executives and other wealthy benefactors. Forty years later, Justice Clarence Thomas is caught in a strikingly similar scandal. Similarly to Fortas, Thomas has a wealthy benefactor named Harlan Crow who has shown lavish generosity to Thomas and his Tea Partying wife Ginni. And where Fortas had an ad hoc group of corporate executives to subsidize his lifestyle, Thomas seems to have the American Enterprise Institute AEI a corporate-aligned think tank that once gave him a $15,000 gift. We find it difficult to find daylight between Thomas’ actions and the gifting scandal that forced Abe Fortas off the bench.Like Fortas before him, Thomas received tens of thousands of dollars worth of gifts from wealthy benefactors, some of whom have an interest in cases before his court.So should Justice Thomas resign for acts that violate his ethical obligation to the Supreme Court Code of Conduct for U.S. judges?

It's very difficult to me to make friends? what's my problem?

Try and speak up instead of listening all the time..people may want to hear your opinion! Also try and make an effort to maintain that person that you listen to. If you see that person again, than you should make that person feel like they want to talk to you again by continuing the conversation.

What is this called? Is it normal?

I'm 36 weeks pregnant, and I know that swelling in the calves, ankles, and feet is normal, but I poked my leg (for some odd reason), and I noticed that the dent in my calf never went away. It's been 30 minutes and it's smaller but still there... It's kind of freaking me out because it's never happened before. Can anyone give me any information on this?

Are "natural-looking" breast augmentations a turn-off for men?

I really, really want a breast augmentation. I am thankful that I do not have any extreme deformities but I am very unsatisfied with the size of my breasts. They are ridiculously small and I have trouble with outfits because many are made for women with average sized breasts; mine are smaller than average. I want to be more feminine and womanly.

The College will not provide transcripts if you have an outstanding financial obligation?

I attended a community college for a year and took out a loan. I am moving to miami and need my transcripts sent. Since they are not in default will the school still send them??

Samsung Hard Drive failure - trying to create an image?

A virus should not cause data loss like this. I would be happy to help you remotely using my new data recovery CD. For more info see...

Why do men say they like curvy girls, but find a really tiny girl more attractive than someone curvy?

im 5'2 and about 132 pounds and i wear a size 34 C, my butt isnt the ghetto booty kind of big, but its plump and people tell me im curvy. im not fat because everything is in the right place and my stomach is small. but i dont understand why if someone like me and someone thats my height and like 100 pounds are walking next to eachother, guys will perfer a tiny girl over someone with curves when everyone says they like a womanly shape. i really dont get this, and it makes me feel fat sometimes but i dont want to lose too much weight and have no boobs because i like how i look. but it confuses me idk if im un-attractive and bigger and people are just saying this to everyone because society has stick skinny women on tv everywhere and in magizines that have no boobs or butts unless they are fake. so guys wat body type do you want? and why do you find skinny girls better looking than girls with shape if u perfer the tiny ones?

My period? when will it come?? and other stuff?

okay so I'll be 14 in about a month. I don't have my period im only 5'2" and my boobs are only an 36A. And honestly I know that periods are not fun I have been told. enough please don't tell me that. BUt every one of my friends has their period and I hate it because they always borrow tampons from each other and they just have them and it's like they're women and I'm just a girl. I just want it my boobs have been growing for like 2 1/2 years and i have had pubic hair and armpit hair for almost 2 years and I have been getting discharge since like maybe the beginning of this school year or earlier. I want to get it before im 14 do you think I will? or what? and I don't care that much about my height I might grow eventually and if not just look at vanessa hudgens she is about my height and her boobs are not big and she's beautiful. but anyway my sisters boobs are like maybe a b but she wears a pretty big push up bra which I don't want to do.but I feel like they're getting bigger sometimes but not by much. my friends like tease me sometimes and stuff not that mean but their boobs are like their weapons that make them womanly and that they can use on guys and i know that sounds stupid but its hard to explain. and im not too skinny for my period im 100lbs maybe? It just sucks. And also my clothes don't even look good on me cuz im so small and I just want to grow i grew like 3/4 of and in in the past few months and i just want things to happen. Also this is a stupid question but am i supposed to shave down ther like when I become sexually active? or what do you personally think about that? thanks so much

Feeling extremely overwhelmed while in reality I have few obligations. ?

Is this a common feeling for any of you? Could it be the constant worrie of planing my future? Is it associated with the gloomy feeling of life quickly slipping past with little to show in accomplishment? Is it the possible actions that could be taken that lay dormant and allow me to continually reject the idea of mending a broken friendship or patching up that lost relationship that I continuely long to do but am too stubborn to endeavor? Maybe it's the blame I place on myslef that need be placed on the shoulders of others, maybe all of these previous problems were not created by me but by them. Maybe, I just answered my own question. If so, how do I lift this weight that seems to be breaking my neck on a daily basis when it has become too heavy to ignore?

I like her again damn it?

So I had it really bad for this girl but she shot me down when I asked her out, then I got over her and she started trying to be a party girl anf she was pissing me off, now shes back to her odd self and Im starting to want her again. I see her most nights at the hookah lounge I go to and we usually talk a lot, and we do txt occasionally. When I asked her our she said no because we're friends, I dont know what to do cause I half way gave up on anything more with her

What is a "womanly visit" like?

So tomorrow I am going to visit a Planned Parenthood Clinic tomorrow to get a birth control precription. And I just found out I have to have a "womanly exam".. What is it and what's it like..?

Womanly problems/":..?

so my aunt and grandma and mother have all gotten a hysterectomy. so i know its more likely that my parts are bad/: there is nothing i want more then to one day be able to start a family but i dont think it'll ever be possible. here is why.. i have had 2 misscariages in my life already, both pregnancys were accidents since i didnt think i could get pregnant and it took 3 yrs to have those those 2 babies even though i had unprotected sex everyday. and the baby misscaried itself early in the pregnancy, no more then 3 months. my periods are VERY painful. i have to take 3 extrap strength pamprin for the pain to go away. my period lasts 8 days, which is kinda long. so with all of this information, do you think i could have something wrong with my body? and if so, who would i go about seeing to even do something about it?

Do me and him have a chance and if not did we ever?

Wow so you sound SO much like me:) the guy i was talking about in my question was practically my first BF. But hmm... sooo you have obviously held onto this relationship, serious or not, for quite sometime! I am guessing since you said 3rd grade, you are now older than that? By a lot.. haha. So yea, and you guys have grown on each other. When he talks about his ex constantly, that could be a way of telling you that he still likes you and hes trying to make you jealous or he may want you to say something that will spark the jealously factor. If you were to show him any negative burst about him and his ex, he will get that you are a little jealous and take it as a yes...that you still have feelings for him. This may be his test to see if you still like him! But since you are so nice and do not want to get in the way, (which i totally see where you are coming from!) then you just need to confront him and not play his little game. You could also explain that since his ex has dumped him so many times that he needs to forget her or something, try to find a way to connect back with him and let him catch you hint or your flow, steer the convo in the right way:) And honestly even tho it is your 1st relationship, i would take things pretty seriously too considering that you guys have had a long history together:) I think you guys still have a chance:) Good luck, and thank you sooo much for your answer to my question:) you really helped me:)

Im so insecure about my chubby body what should I do?

Well if your attractive people assume things we as human do this some more than others but if your not happy with your body am sure you know of some cardio programs to look into but alot of guys like curvy women I believe their is a style for everyone.

Unable to complete a task dream...what does it mean?

The last couple of nights I've had a dream, slightly different each night, in which I work and try but can't finish a task that's normally not difficult. Last night I was eating lunch in the dream and just couldn't finish. I was rushing through the meal to the point of feeling ill to try and join the others who were done eating and leaving for something. I've been called a slow eater before by family but it's never bothered me ('cause it's true). So that was odd. I don't really remember much of anything significant about the first dream other than the vague feeling of similarity--also unable to complete a task. Anyone have any idea what this kind of dream is supposed to mean?

Why did he tell me this? 10 points?

I told my bf that I am not sure in what way I like him. I feel very close to him and theres time I feel like he's a very close friend or like a brother to me. Then there's time I want him romantically. Perhaps I'm confuse because he is my 1st bf ever. He told me he wouldn't know what to do if I talked to him, without wanting to kiss me if we were to break up. Then I said I probably need to meet other guys, and no I don't date around, I don't see that as a womanly thing. But makes friends and probably from my guy bunch see if there is one where I don't have to question my feelings.He said they'll call me a "slut" if I go around not in that way but talking to oen guy afetr the other lol we just laugh and i guess we reconciled.

I really like this guy but i think he has a girlfriend what should i do?

i have been seeing this guy off and on for the past few years. i think he may have a girlfriend he wont add me on Facebook..... know a tad childish to care but it kinda strikes me as odd. could this in fact be because he is seeing someone else? there is a girl who always has a photo of the two of them and i have a feeling they are more than friends and when i ask him he just brushes me off and tells me she is his ex and they are no longer together. but this kinda rubs me the wrong way. should i just go ask her? i no it could be an awkward thing to do,, it i have strong feelings about cheating and i could never do that to another women.. so what i'm asking is thoughts and a new prospective

Should I register as a sole trader?

You are trading for profit outwith PAYE. You must register for Self Assesment and submit tax returns. The HMRC website is user friendly or write in with full information and ask to be set up.

Could the condom have failed and made my friend pregnant?

Condoms are not 100% effective in preventing pregnancy. Perhaps your "friend" is a bit too young if not aware of what contraception is best at prevention. Go to the health clinic if your "friend" insists on having sexual relations, get on proper birth control, and get tested for STD's.

Do you believe that if more people have good values,the world will become better?

I mean,in Confucianism,morality is a very important issue and an obligation for everyone.I am Confucianist and I want your opinions please.

Friday, July 15, 2011

What is my employer's legal obligation to my missing paycheck?

i originally was supposed to receive my paycheck for may 1st-15th in the mail, but have not received it. i have asked my employer about it quite a few times but get a different answer every time. now she's saying all she can do is give me a loan until the original check returns to her, which doesnt sound right to me. im wondering, by law, what is her obligation to my check that i have yet to receive?

WHY he could not appreciate my love and care?

Practically we should not expect any appreciations for the love & care. coz both are part of the life. without love and care life wont be fruitful.

Do you feel desperate about your life?

No, I'm very happy. I care nothing for money, materialism or the worship of celebrity. I've never bought into any of it. I own a home and a battered 1997 car. I work as a senior prison officer. I'm very good at it. I don't do it for money and the only reason I own my own home is because it was cheaper than renting at the time. You need to make changes to be content.

So in Islam is the Hijab a choice or an obligation?

I'm an Orthodox Christian and I do wear a head-covering because I think it's right and I chose to... in Islam is the Hijab something that is a personal decision for each girl, her family, and God, or is it a commandment

Would it be okay for me to get a piercing, and why are so many opposed to piercings on 13-14 year olds?

I am a 13 year old female, and so you know what you are answering, I have pretty much an adult maturity level. I can definately be trusted by others who know me. I am a straight A+ student for the most part and consider myself very respectful and thoughtful. I have been doing research for a past 2 years now into care and possible problems, how to fix them and how to prevent them.I want this not to be popular or follow a trend, not for attention, not even really for expression( how can you really express feelings by a hole in your body? Tattoos, maybe but not this) This is what I want purely for aesthetic reasons. I know my tastes may change, but if they do I can take the piercings out. The same principle applies to jobs, careers, etc. I feel like scars won't matter because they will remind me of more fun, more youthful times in my life when I could do things like this. I also feel that no matter what, I will be comfortable in my skin. To give you a clue about my personality, I am the shy, semi anti-social type with somewhat odd, contradictory interests that doesn't give a hoot about it when people judge me, but I still try to stay respectful and not judge other people or be rude to them. Confidence is key. I would also, however, like to understand reasons why people would say no to a peircing. 'You're too young" is much too vague, IMO. I don't believe that it could be said that a person my age can't make their own decisions, either, because obviously they could make the decision that they wanted the piercing and are willing to endure that pain to get it. If the reason they want it is vain and impulsive, I get that some people would disagree with it. But why do so many people say no, even when it is evident that much thought has been put into a decision? Though piercings, especially facial ones, were not mainstream in the '60, '70, '80's per se, they are now. Please answer this question by RESPECTFULLY stating your opinions as clearly as possible. I do not want my decision to be too biased, I don't want to get this piercing if the only opinion I hear is my own. Try to answer as thoroughly as you can, and due to the serious nature of this decision, all answers whether in my favor or not, will be shown to my parents and reviewed extensively. Thank You and God Bless.

What exams does a cardiologist do for heart murmurs?

So I visited my GP today about some odd and random chest pains, I have Pectus Excavatum and heart murmur, Tomorrow I am going to the hospital to visit the cardiologist. What tests can I expect him/her to do?

I'm 13, really ugly, it's getting me down :(?

i felt like this when i was 12 but as i grew i got boobs and got a little bit preetier and lost wweight,the guy who caalled u ugly probably likes you aas a boy who called me ugly and like bad comments too me we ended up dating seriuosley he is just tranna impress you !!!

Is it normal that a 13 year old taught a gym dance class?

I felt odd a younger person was teaching me. But she was really good and actually does dance and got classes about zumba. But there were some provocative moves for a 13 year old to be teaching. What do you think?

How do I tell this woman at the bridal shop to stay the hell away from me?

There's this woman who works at the bridal shop I manage. She told me she wanted to get to know me better. I told her, "I am straight, but not interested in your womanly ***" then I pointed her towards the door. She got interested in me ever since we went to the gay bar a few weeks ago, where she watched my boyfriend and I make out.

I'm petite, & can never find fitting clothes?

I don't know if they have this shop in the uk but, it's called pull and bear, they do small sizes. My girlfriend loves them. We live in Ireland

Parents do you think I am being unreasonable?

Legally your child's father is paying child support monthly, verbal agreement made between both of you-other lady has nothing to do with it, she should stay out of it. You are not being unreasonable-if your ex refuses to pay there is nothing you can do about it. My ex paid child support monthly-never put in extra penny towards anything else.

Graduate school jitters ...?

In many fields, it's common or at least expected for grad school applicants to have publications in the field. If that's not common in your field, then you should have a good shot. But if other students have publications and you do not, it's going to hurt you.

My samsung epic keeps doing a weird ringtone before my on ringtone?

I put my phone on airplane mode for one minute then took it off. Now it does this odd jingle before playing my text ringtone. I tried changing text tones, even resetting the text settings. It keeps doing it, no matter what the ringtone is. How can I make it stop without doing a full hard reset?

My samsung epic keeps doing a weird ringtone before my on ringtone?

I put my phone on airplane mode for one minute then took it off. Now it does this odd jingle before playing my text ringtone. I tried changing text tones, even resetting the text settings. It keeps doing it, no matter what the ringtone is. How can I make it stop without doing a full hard reset?

I can't control my imagination?

I understand completely. I have the same problem, I can't control my imagination. Perhaps it's like when you get a song stuck in your head and can't get it out? Except it is a visual image? I'm not quite sure. ^.^

What is the optimum weight for young women?

When I was younger I was very skinny, but people mentioned that my figure wasn't womanly. As I grew older I filled out and have an average, womanly figure, except now my mother keeps sitting down with me and trying to point out to me that I am not thin, now, but average, and with a womanliness, and I should accept that I am no longer in a thin category. I feel like she is saying I should be skinny, because that is what the media desires, but I also know from past experience people think women should have womanly features like big breasts, and a bit of curves, etc. I am thoroughly confused, it seems like people change the rules all the time. Is my mother saying I should lose weight and go back to being a skinny twenty year old at any cost? I am happy with my average weight, I am by no means fat, and at least I have a chest.

What was going on with my body?

Was the place where you went camping very hot? The heat might have gotten to you. Also maybe you didn't get enough sleep.

I keep getting this odd error message in Java... What do I do?

Are your files named "" and ""? That is the normal cause.

Do you think that contributing to the world in a positive way is an obligation for every human being?

define contributing. define positive. one man's right is another man's crime. if contribution to a cause is an obligation then desire is meaningless and procreation becomes not only mandatory but systematic. you no longer get to choose a mate, you just get pregnant over and over to produce more laborers. you do not get to indulge recreation, only that which will stimulate progression of the species is allowed. this is what obligation really means at its core.

How to prove unemployment /child support fraud?

I think you should keep your son at home with you. His father is setting a very bad example. You realize that YOU will have to pay child support now right? You can't really prove that your ex is working unless you get his employer to tell on him or hire a private investigator. It's really out of your hands and you shouldn't worry about it. Just focus on teaching your son to do better.

I think i may have bed bugs?

ive been getting bites that look like small pimples some are individual some are 2 or 3 in one spot but i've been checking everywhere i washed my linens clothes my curtains ive checked in the cracks of my walls and my bed under the mattress checked the mattress cover i even had the exterminator come in and check for me and he couldn't find anything and he wont treat my room with any pesticides if there is no evidence(no fecal stains or anything like that), ive had this problem for almost a month and for me to have no evidence besides the bites ? the exterminator said he saw something on my mattress but it should have been on my sheets as well and it wasn't there should be some type of excrement on the sheets or even mattress cover is that odd could it be something else ? btw i do have a dog but i get her groomed every month so i don't think it could be fleas

Which should I wear to a semi-formal wedding?

From the descriptions provided, I would say go with the olive green dress. The colour seems more flattering to your skin tone than the cerise pink, and is a more elegant colour. Also the v-neck will elongate your torso and the semi-fitted skirt with a kick flare will define the shape of your hips and show off your curves. The colour will also go better with your tan accessories.

Could I be pregnant? Very early signs of conception?

I recently had unprotected sex and from the day after I felt very odd and very unlike myself, not really anything in particular just a bit strange. Didn't even think about pregnancy until a friend suggested it. I know it is completely insane and very unlikely i would notice anything that soon, just wanted advice from people more experienced than myself. Thanks.

What do you think of the Urban Dictionary's definition of "Black female"?

white man cant get one?? LOL even the ugliest, stupidest, trashiest white man can get one. Just look at Paul wall. So what makes you think a attractive one like Paul walker, brad pit, johnny dep etc. would have any trouble getting one if they wanted one.

If corporations #1 obligation is to the shareholders why are they in the health care business?

It is the largest private industry in the U.S. and the bottom line is to benefit the stock holders and corporate heads, not provide services to the subscribers. A claim denied is profit in the pocket of the stock holders and corporate heads.

What could cause a cold sensation in the forehead?

This happens to me a few times a day. It's very similar to the brain freeze one can get when starting to eat something like ice cream, but it's isolated to one small area. It comes on suddenly, lasts for a couple of minutes, and sometimes the cold sensation will spread to the top of my head or around to the base of my skull. Then, it goes away. I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism three months ago, and have been taking Methimazole for it. I'm wondering if either the thyroid condition or the medication could be causing this odd sensation.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dream about a missing girl?

Last night I had a dream about a missing girl (who is truly missing). I know what happened to her and i have a vague image of where she is and the surroundings and the people around. In my dream I wasn't there but it was like I was seeing all of this I wasn't actually involved in my own dream. She is still currently missing and it's bothering me because I've never had such gruesome dreams. I don't typically have nightmares...but this one wasn't a nightmare it was more informative. If anyone could help me try and understand this..please let me know..I feel odd knowing all this information since this girl is still currently missing but I saw her..and I feel like I know some details. Please help!!

Is it odd the thing that makes me question my faith the most is the whole Anti-homosexuality thing?

It just supports what I've said for a long time; one of the primary reasons for the invention of religion is to justify hatred of others.

Need advice on what to do about a girl that I like. But have never met. I've only seen at college. Please help?

Hi there. I went to college with this girl. I know nothing about her. I don't know her name absolutely nothing. It's driving me insane. I won't see her until September…that is…if I see her. Because we've finished for the semester now. Is there anyway I can find out about info about this girl? It's driving me nuts. I really am into her. It's really odd. Never had this kind of feeling for a girl I've never met or know anything about before lol. It's so annoying. Haha. Anyways all comments are aloud. Thanks

Friend rescued me from being raped.?

Tell him that there wasn't much more he cojld have done and that u love him for what he did and just hug him or kiss him on the cheek

Eye muscle surgery as child, migraines as an adult?

When I was about 5 years old I had surgery to fix the weak muscles in one of my eyes. Maybe 10 years later, I started suffering from migraines that have only gotten worse as I've aged. Now almost 30, it isn't odd for me to get a daily migraine. I've seen several neurologists. Gone the chemical prescription route. Gone the herbal route. Tried a chiropractor, acupuncture... Made diet changes. All of that with no real result. Is it possible that surgery as a child could be the culprit? What kind of doctor do I go to get this possibility checked out? Side note- I also can't see 3D, which I believe is a byproduct of the surgery. Thank you!

Need your help please! ?

So this woman I work with wants me to cover her shift 1:30 to 9 but I really don't want to. I don't like working at night and I don't know when I'll be moving into my new apt. What do I tell her? She's getting her tonsils taken out but I have other obligations too. I feel sorta bad though.

Why are some women so damn sensitive?

Wow! She was hungry so that equals bitchy! Sad that she has to starve herself. She might have other issues going on. You didn't do anything wrong, you didn't even need to apologize to her. Is she known to do this often? Then she'll get over it and you all will move on. If not, then hang in there if she's worth it.

Advice about premenstrual daughter?

Buy her a book about it, i was kinda like this and then my mum bought this book all about it and it made me realise! :)

Why do I fluctuate so much with these thoughts?

hmmm I think you are straight tbh. Every straight guy has that same thought at least once in my opinion. You are straight but just a little bit bicurious.

Why do I have such feminine features?

i think guys who have feminine facial features are the ones that most people would label the "pretty boy" however that doesn't apply for a feminine body type as much. You might want to go see a doctor if you're too worried because if you're body is looking too feminine you might have a hormonal imbalance

Girls: I need some womanly help?!?

If they're disposable pads - e.g. commercial pads like Always or organic brands like Cottons - then you wrap them up in toilet paper and put them in the bin, that's why they have sanitary bins next to toilets in public bathrooms. Some girls use disposable scented bags to put their pads into as disposable pads can smell, particularly commercial brands like Always, but you don't really need to use those.

Is this loose dog deaf?

Today I heard my two dogs barking so I went to see what they were barking at. There was a loose dog in my yard so I went out to see if I could catch it. It started running away towards the road so I ran as fast as I could to get ahead of it to scare it back towards the woods because I live on a busy road. My plan worked and it ran to the side of my house and started sniffing something with its back turned to me. I walked towards it and was clapping and talking to it so it would know I was there. I got really close and it turned around, barked at me and ran away. I think it was friendly but I couldn't really tell. It's bark was not a mean bark. I figured that if I saw it again I would just make sure it didn't go into the road. But my question is do you think it was deaf? It acted like I silently walked up behind it and tried to scare it. It was kind of funny but odd at the same time.

Is this lucid dreaming ?

I often go into a dream state then wake up but realise I'm not as I can't move, during this time I'm in my own surroundings but I can hear voices or music or see something odd in it. I always try to escape the dream by shaking my head and closing my eyes, even if I am paralysed. I always remember them very clearly. Here are some examples: I was in a normal dream in my school building, it was very foggy and at night time. I remember walking round a corner and thinking please dont let anyone be round that corner and then a giant ghost like man came stomping round the corner following me and I woke up. I was in my own surroundings and couldnt move, I then heard screaming and swearing at me, I tried shaking my head to get out of it and a few minutes later I woke up. A recent one I had was I was in my own surroundings again but I could see my mum standing and staring at me, it was slightly blurry and i couldn't see mum clearly. I even remember one when I was 5! I was in my own surroundings again and this lion toy on my floor grew bigger and turned alive, an Angel then turned it back to original state, I woke up and the lion toy was on the floor. Another one I had was I was in my own surroundings and I could hear creepy noises, I peeked from the covers and saw the grim reaper getting closer and closer as I looked, I then woke up. These are just some examples, I have had plenty more! Are these lucid dreams?

Why do some women shave around?

the bikini area when they go to the beach. Some women, you can see their hair, which looks more womanly and natural, but not often. You don't see men so shaven there. Is it not sexist?

Will the US start selling its state assets like Greece is doing now to pay its debts?

In the news, Greece is selling its highways and airport to bankers in order to pay its debt obligations as well as receiving another bailout. Are we next? When we can't pay our debtors to China, will we be selling Six Flags or Dollywood to China? How about the Atlanta or La Angelos airport?

Trying to conceive..boyfriend works construction 6 days a week, been trying to conceive for 3 mths now...?

Have sex when you're ovulating, have sex every other day so he can build up his sperm count, and use preseed lubricant!

What obligation does the agent have to a tenant if their home they rented them gets reposed ?

The tenant agrees to pay rent in a specified amount for a specified time, eg. a year; the landlord agrees to provide the tenant with habitable housing space. Just like a tenant cannot suddenly get up and go without further obligation till the end of the lease term, so cannot a landlord unilaterally break the lease with no penalty. Saying "oh, yes, I signed a lease for a year, but that was then, this is now, these are different times, and I changed my mind" doesn't cut it. If a tenant said that, the landlord would demand the rest of the year's rent and the courts would uphold it. Contract law is not a one-way street. The landlord must either ask the new owner to take over his obligations under the lease; or rent from the new owner and allow the tenant to stay; or provide the tenant with a different housing space (which the landlord may own or rent) of the same or better quality, and pay for the tenant's moving expenses. The tenant continues to have the obligation to pay rent in the same amount.

Aoc 2036S monitor is shaking? help?

my monitor is shaking and I cant edit the refresh rate, so if theres anything else besides going to bios any help would be appreciated. if there isnt just explain the bios a little bit so i get an understanding. im running a new alienware m11x, my monitor did not shake with my old gateway laptop so its kinda odd. its only shaking at the very top of the screen

4.5 year old not nighttime potty trained or a bedwetting issue?? Help!?

Well... With that age i knew how to read and write perfectly. My mother said i started using the toilet at age 2,5 and the last time i wet my bed was when i was 2. Maybe you should go to a doctor

Short squeaking sound when ac turns on the road?

with the engine off, see if you can twist the belt more than 90 degrees. if you can, you need to tighten it up some more. that could resolve the problem.

I have a big butt...?

I need some womanly advice! I am a multiple-racial girl. (African American and white) I know that often black people have bigger features. And I'm a cheerleader so I'm really after a slim figure. I do about an hour of cardio everyday. My chest is 32B, waist is 31, and butt is 35. So would you say my butt is HUGE? I don't think my butt is huge, I mean is definitely seen much bigger. Its just disproportionate with the rest of my body. All my friends are constantly calling me out, saying this like oh it's so huge or so round, and it REALLY upsets me but they don't seem to get it. And I guess it's good they tell me so I can fix it. I've been doing all kinds of card with cheerleading and such and I run a mile a day and bike another mile. It doesn't seem to help! What do I do? How do I get it smaller? Would guys find this attractive? I hate my butt so much!

What are some advantages of having small breasts?

I am the same cup size as you, if not AAA! :( I like that they do not get in the way when doing physical activity, such as running and other workouts. I am very active, so that is a plus. Like you, I do not like not having curves and not being able to fill out clothes nicely, but at the same time, some clothes do fit better because you do not have to worry about finding a bigger size or whatnot. Furthermore, since guys are so obsessed with big boobs, if you find a guy who does like you, you will not he likes you for much more than just your physique. I am sure you do have a beautiful body though, so be proud of what you have and know that you are gorgeous. :)

Do you think he's gone for good?

There's this guy that works through a drive thru. I saw him get into his car once so I know what his car looks like. I go through the drive thru almost every day and I never see him or his car. I thought he quit. Then the other day I went through and I saw his car, it had been like 2 weeks since I saw it. I still didn't see him when I went through though. I figured maybe he had been on vacation and now was back. But today I went through and again his car wasn't there. So now I'm thinking maybe he was picking up his paycheck and maybe ate lunch with some friends he worked with there or something. What do you think, isn't it odd for him to come back from a vacation for one day and than have off again?

When will my breasts, hips and backside grow because they are to small?

You should love your body as it is. Wearing padded bras that are extreme like the bombshell bra are kinda unnecessary in my opinion as I have a friend who's in 8th grade and wears one all the time, it looks unnatural and imagine the embarrassment when you take your bra off and someone sees how you are truly. All in all, don't cheat yourself and act like yourself around guys and they'll probably take you, someone more natural and modest, over a young haughty looking girl who seems slutty and likes to flaunt what she has.

How do I make sex less enjoyable for my girlfriend?

Oh you've got a right slapper there mate. Get her into swinging and there'll be other blokes to satisfy her carnal lusts. You can usually manage to tune the TV's into the Sports Channels at those clubs. A lot of the guys are there for the same reason you know? Just tell all the girls you want to watcvh them get it on together anhd the randy slags will be at it hammer and tongs. Then you guys can catch up with the FA cup and the cricket on the screens...just make sure their backs are to the screen cause hot pants chicks like that ccan get all bent out of shape (pardon the pun) when they realise they're not the centrre of attention.

What is the movie where.................?

I saw this one around 2003 and am not sure if it was brand new at the time but it definitely wasn't more than a few years old. The opening scene is two guys in bed, one under a sheet performing oral sex on the other and having a conversation in his head about whether or not he should swallow, he ends up going for that option and his partners tells him he shouldn't have done that because they just met. Later the same guy gets attacked in an alley and raped with a broom handle by some homophobic guy who the main character ends up actually raping later in the film. I think there is also a Lesbian couple in the film as well.I know this all sounds pretty odd but I can't for the life of me remember the title of the film.

Would you call police?

Legally yes you do have an obligation but you definitely have one as a friend.In the U.S. you have to report if it involves any kind of abuse, if someone may be a threat to other people, or to themselves. You should talk to him. It'll make him feel wanted. Never think that someone is joking about killing themselves. Always say something. Its better to have said something and they were "joking" then to have not said something and they were serious. Good Luck! I know things must be hard for both of you. Hope I helped

My cat has been meowing often?

Sounds like you have a very vocal kitty cat. I wouldn't be worried about it unless he started to act funny or stopped eatting.

What is the correct age to weight lift properly?

Its fine its been scientifically proven weight lifting does not stunt growth they have actually started a weight lifting program for children some where around the ages of 12-15. As long as u do it properly its okay

Legal advice reguarding bill paying in the UK?

Hi there.sorry to hear of your problem.i think its very wrong that you should even have to go to this level to get the cash back your owed.this guy could at least offer to pay you back maybe in instalments rather than one hit. I'm not sure how small claims court would work as you was bill payer and they would have been in your this guy that owes the cash could then say you paid the bills and he contributed in other ways such as food laundry and other stuff. I would ask again for cash our instalments.if not threaten court action to him plus mension the added costs he would incur. Goodluck with things hope you get the cash.

Does the service obligation include training?

A military contract has a length of time you are obligated to serve- for example 3 years. Is BT and AIT included? Would one be able to do his training and have that count towards the 3 years? Any branch.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Do windows have to be a certain standard when living next to a noisy road?

we live in a first floor flat overlooking a busy road,we have double glazed wooden windows that have seen better days,does our housing asociation have an obligation to replace them with a better standard of window,is there a noise level that they have to keep to.

Do girls in high school dress like the girls from Pretty Little Liars?

Is it realistic to dress like the girls in pretty little liars, specifically like Hanna or is it just a TV thing? Would someone get odd looks if they dressed like that?

How can I get myself to eat more and gain weight?

I'm 19 years old, 5'4 and 110 lbs. I've been trying to gain weight for years, and it's possible but I have a very fast metabolism and I have to seriously overeat to make myself gain even 5 pounds. Then I lose it within 2 days if I stop stuffing my face. It's really frustrating because I want to gain weight so badly but I never feel hungry. Eating is like a chore to me. Sometimes I feel hungry but usually I have to consciously make myself eat more than once a day. I don't know what's wrong with me!! I just want to gain weight and have normal womanly curves instead of this bony body, but eating a lot just doesn't feel right to me.

Why do T-party conservatives want to hamstring our brave pilots manning the skys over Libya.. and?

Why do they want to isolate America from our Allies by shirking our NATO obligations? Do these T-party patriots see a point in the future where we might need our NATO allies to give a helping hand in the world.. Or do they have ANY type of foreign policy strategic vision at all?

Do hormones change your body drastically?

i may be taking HRT in a few months and i was wondering, do hormones change alot? i have quite big shoulders, will they change? or at least become more slender? will my arms become more womanly? will my thighs become less muscular? i am about 140 lbs, would i loose weight using the hormones?

Help! What does "by the party so incapacitated" means in this phrase?

It means you can't start a strike or lockout in order to get yourself out of this contract. "by the party so incapacitated" means you.

Why did it take until 1950?

Curious as to why it took the Pope until 1950 to deem the Assumption of Mary as official Catholic church dogma? It is now celebrated as a Holy day of obligation and by this dogma if you at all question the validity of Mary being "assumed" to Heaven in body just like Jesus, you will be damned? Why did it take so long?

My boyfriend doesn't have any emotion, what's wrong?

DON'T GO!!! He needs you even if he won't say it. Chances are something is bothering him and he might not even know what is bothering him. Try talking to him and helping him but DON'T GO!!!! Tell him that you are there to support him if he ever needs to talk.

Puberty help pleaseeee?

im an eighth grade girl. im 13 years old. i started my period in 6th grade, when i was 11. ive always been obsessed with having boobs, but they havent grown! ive been waiting 3 years, and i dont think its ever gonna happen. im fully pubescent besides my appearance! i dont have a womanly body or curves or boobs. is it too late to grow any of this? will i be a flat twig forever?

How do you get over the "awkwardness"?

I'd like to become very comfortable with my own body, etc. But I feel so awkward when it has anything to do down there [vagina] or anything. I don't even like looking at my own boobs, naked, etc. I have confidence but I really avoid the subject all together when it comes to sex, and just being really comfortable with your womanly parts. I'm 16 years old btw. And everyone my age just seems so comfortable with their EVERYTHING. How do I become this way?

I dream of my mom removing her wisdom teeth in front of me?

In my dream, i wanted to remove my wisdom teeth (this is a reflection of reality) but too scared to. My mom then show me how she remove her wisdom teeth by herself. (this is odd because she's not supposed to have any left but i ignore this in my dream). She was bleeding afterward but she seem cool and collected about it. As for me i was extremely worry that she might get an infection so I nag her to go see a dentist. We arrived at a female dentist office and i commented that she's not our family dentist. But she was a middle age woman and she made my worry/fear at the moment disappear. They helped my mom with the bleeding and remove another of her wisdom teeth. Then they turn over and ask me if wanted to remove mine. But then I was too scare and just said that i want to clean my teeth instead. I walk over to the counter to talk about method of payments and there was a male dentist there. He did not seem to understand what i'm talking about and i just gave up. That's when I woke up. This dream was long and when i woke up, i was 2 hours later than the time i usually wake up. Can anyone explain to me what this dream mean? I tried to look up teeth dream but most is about removing own teeth, except for the one about death. I'm very worry now about my mother, please help

Guys, I'm curious. If you have a girlfriend who you love is it still possible to little crushes on other girls?

I have a friend who has a girlfriend and openly loves and I totally believe it, but I don't know... he just gives me these really dreamy looks sometimes. he asks me to dinners, to walk in parks, we hang out sometimes for nearly 6 + hours a day... he has never verbally alluded to anything but my womanly spidey senses are detecting a hint of a crush... so is it possible to be totally in love with your girlfriend but have minor insignificant crushes on other girls?

Help with my valedictorian speech?

I'd first remove the mountain metaphor as it is a bit overused. Secondly, I think the latin root plug doesn't really play in with what you've said earlier. I'd move the "This graduating class of 2011..." paragraph further up on your speech and end on "These are the skills that will carry us through high school and that will make us the best graduating class John G has ever known."

I know kids probably see there parents nude, but in this case is it sexual abuse?

How is this sexual abuse? Do you even know what sexual abuse is? And the "No" was implied incase you didn't understand.

Does sex change from lust to love overtime?

So... I'm a guy and I think I'm in love with my best friend. But it's strange... I dont want her sexually... I mean I think she's straight gorgeous and she has amazing, ya know, womanly features hahaha it's not that I dont think shes hot, but I dont think about sex with her... at all. I see attractive girls all the time and they can drive you crazy theyre so hot haha but my feelings for this girl are totally different. I think it's love... I mean we have fun all the time when were with each other and we make each other laugh and were not afraid to yell and get mad at each other and then apologize and all that jazz. So my question is... does sex go from like lustful to love? It's kind of a hard question to phrase I dont think i've explained it quite right but whatever. Basically the context of the question is that I want her in a... love context rather than just sexually. Does this make sense? what do you think?

What are the binding obligations of a prospective tenant in the UK?

I have a house for rent. Recently some prospective tenants made an offer to rent it in writing, which was accepted. They have since changed their minds about the property (not moved in either), and even though they have not signed a tenancy agreement, do they still have any obligations to the landlord given the acceptance of their formal offer to rent in writing?

How to change my body? Fast!?

Yeah eat alot, especially protein, and workout. I personally like skinny girls with thin hips as apposed to curvy and thick.

My separated husband wants to stay married but is only interested in spending time with his bio child...not us?

Change the locks and get real. Unless he adopted the 8 yo, he's not going to pay child support for him. He's probably not going to have visitation with him, either, unless he's a really good man. He has no legal obligation to do so.

How does a person maintain interest in a book so as to read much of it in one sitting?

I've managed to read some books in one sitting but then again, they're rarely 'hard going' books but more like, easy reading fiction and things like Twilight :p I find the same like you for books I have to read but then I just keep working through them, telling myself that in this hour I will read it and try and get to a certain page number. If its boring I work on chapters/page numbers and getting over them. If it's interesting to me then I don't even remember those techniques.

New Zealand or New Orleans?

New Zealand will be better because you will get to see another different country and also travel across the globe.

Is it weird for 18 yr old go out with a 14 yr old?

were both girls and we both have the same things in common and shes really nice. Do you thik its odd and does the age difference mean anything? would it be weird?

Men: flat, small, med or large breasts?

Most lads put on an act that they like big boobs, if they like you for you they won't care. I'm a 32G, and I never know whether boys like me for my boobs or me! There's nothing wrong with being flat, and it doesn't make you unwomanly. If any boy ever complains about the size of them, chuck him, his not worth it!

Is it 'appropriate' to have a renewal of vows after 10 years of marriage?

Do me a BIG favor and ignore all the negativity. There is nothing wrong with renewing your vows. I think its fantastic to do it and do it however you like. I'm planning my wedding now, and I'm shocked at how many divorces I've seen in my friends in their 20s already! It seems nobody cares to honor the promises vows make anymore. We all could use a reminder of those promises. I wonder sometimes if it would help if we renewed our vows every year. If that's what it takes to remind ourselves about what we promised to the other person, and depending on your religion, to God. My parents struggled a lot, but they're still together because they remember their promise no matter how tough life gets. They renewed their vows about 12 years in the Church, just like you plan. So don't listen to all these grumpy people and go celebrate your birthday and your successful marriage and family!!! :)

How do u look super hot? ?

Ok I'm 5.7 I'm really skinny and I have long bonde hair and I just wanna know how to look really hot and womanly (curvier)

Very awkward womanly question...?

Is it normal for a teenage girl to have a lot of vaginal discharge? I constantly have it unles I'm on my period, even if I'm not fertile or ovulating. I've always had it constantly. Is this normal?

Why is it wrong for a man to love children?

My brother thinks I am weird because I am affectionate to my one year old nephew and not distant like him. I like to hold him which he considers womanly. What is wrong with him?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Do You think Jacob Lusk from American Idol is so Womanly and Gay!?

He sings like a black woman, so feminine! The way he moves his hips, and dances, moves his ew he's so gay!! I bet the Black community is embarrassed about him! lol not to mention his tweezed eye brows! Gross.

What do you do with a lazy woman being your partner?

Each time I have to fight verbally with a woman that does not want to do anything. She wants to sleep all the time and does not want to do any womanly chores. How can one really encourage her to do more womanly chores making herself more attractive.

What kind of relationship should I have?

Do what makes you the happiest. Try being with one then see what feels the best and stick with it. Good luck

Hi i am an Indian Guy ,27 years old and planning to go back to college in Canada .?

Do u think i am too old for college now? Will i be the odd one out among others in college ?? I expect the students will be 25 yrs and younger. Also i will be about 32 yrs after i finish my Masters . So will i be able to start a career at this stage ??

Need some womanly advice?

just take it slow with her. she does love you and she knows it but thats the part that completely terrifies her. she's scared of falling and no one catching her if that makes sense. being let down and all that...if you just take your time and make sure she knows you're in it for the long run and for all the right reasons everything should work out :)

What could give me a headache?

I know you might find it quite odd, but headaches calm me. It helps me get my mind off things. What could trigger a headache? Something any one? Thank you!

Am I Too skinny etc etc?

Im 5'9 115lbs..people always say im too skinny, but i eat very well, i can eat like a fat man! I've always been thin, and I feel fine..but still peoples negative comments make me wonder, and wish sometimes that i could be more womanly..but its not like i can just gain weight. And, i know theres probably nothing I can do about this (other than surgery which is not happening because it looks awful) but because im thin, i have pretty much no breast tissue, i wish i could at least be a full way to really make that happen either tho? I'd be happier with the way i was if i at least had some TNA lol..oh the pointless things that are said on answers.

Are there big bugs in Atlanta, Ga?

I am thinking about attending medical school in Georgia or Tennessee, but I have a very very bad phobia of insects (I experience: rapid heartbeat, dizziness, and become light headed). I tried to get help, but it hasn't and probably will not work in the future. The palmetto roach things would just be too much. No insects are okay except smallish to medium sized spiders I can handle killing. Is there a way to never encounter the odder selection of insects and live in Georgia.

Made song with a guy a few months back; now he's missing. Can I legally release this song without him?

I did the music (beat), mixing and mastering. He wrote the lyrics and did the rapping. If I can legally release the song what would be my financial obligations to him; if any?

Guy/Sex problems? Or maybe I'm just a little emotional? Advice?

I would be a little ticked being referred to as "person" so I think thats valid and it sounds like you really like him and want more from him than just sex. Cut out the sex for a while ans see if he still comes around or if he is only interested in sex and then make your decisions on what to do from there.

Sounds odd, but do people actually walk sidewards seeing as the earth is not flat?

I always thought about hat scince the world is a sphere it goes in every angle so if you walk your baicly going straight

HELP! Which term best describes the time in United States history marked by a period of increasing...?

Those are easy, and it would have been harder for you to copy and paste that than to google the actual answer for your own homework.

What is my employer's legal obligation to my missing paycheck?

i originally was supposed to receive my paycheck for may 1st-15th in the mail, but have not received it. i have asked my employer about it quite a few times but get a different answer every time. she claimed to not have mailed it until june 10th. i've asked her to put a stop on the original check that i have not received, but what she is telling me is that they do not have the check number so they can not put a stop on it. now she's saying all she can do is give me a loan until the original check returns to her, which doesnt sound right to me. im wondering, by law, what is her obligation to my check that i have yet to receive?

Words gay men can't use?

don't know about you. But men calling each other honey, sweety or love. Is just weird. Women can do it with women because it seems womanly. It isn't manly talking like that

Do you have to be a current resident to apply for any state trooper position?

I was recently honorably discharged from the army(infantry) after four years. I only have a high school education, and i was wondering if i could send an application to as many of the 48 continental states whose requirements i meet. I don't have any obligations to stay anywhere, and I'm simply trying to land a job.

Why do women do this?

yes its simply a fact of the woman getting comfy in what she has, or stress in somthing she may b working to hard at somthing. its not just woman though, men r the same. most just dont acknowledge that fact cause more attention is focused on the woman. its no reason to cheat or resolt to porn. i would just confront her and say that shes been letting herself go abit, but in a nice way

I bought an item online, now they refuse to ship it to me at that price and want to cancel or make me pay more?

So I bought an item off of and I paid by card over the web and got a receipt email. Then they called the next day and said they made a mistake and they meant for the price to be over 100 dollars more and they would be happy to sell the item to me at that price or cancel the order. I feel like since I already paid and have a receipt for that item that despite their "error" that they are entitled to fulfill the contract and send me the item that I paid for. Legally, what are their obligations and does anyone have any advice for me in regards to what to say while contacting their customer service and not only complaining, but talking possible legal action?

Would a judge allow a noncustodial parent to claim a child for tax purposes if the parent owes back child supp?

A noncustodial parent means that the child does not live with that parent so there is no reason for him or her to claim the child on his or her taxes.

What does he mean!!!!?

just ignore it like you never asked him. and then a few days from now ask him to call you he probably thinks you are rushing it.

What am i required to do if my name is not on a tennancy lease and i want to move out?

In most cases you are required to give a 30 days notice to move. The fellow that is out to sea is on the hook for the rents.

Do you feel a strange sense of obligation, even if it's not necessary or even harmful,?

No! It infuriates my MIL, who insists that we are there when the gate opens and stay for the fireworks as the gates close. They have season passes, but my kids and I do not. I take them once a year, and my in laws insist that I get my money's worth. I don't see the point in being at Cedar Point at all if we're not having fun.

Recurring dreams of a faceless woman, pregnant with twins... What does this mean?

I keep having this recurring dream of a young woman, possibly older teenage woman who has long, wild, curly hair. From the back of her, she is me. But when she turns around, she is faceless. She has very womanly features and she is pregnant with twins. I don't know how I figured out that she was pregnant with twins, but when I look at her I know. I don't know for sure, right now if I am pregnant, in real life or not. But I had started having these dreams before I was sexually active. What does it mean? Who is she? Is she me? Can I talk to her? What's the importance of looking like me, while having no face? what's the importance of the twin pregnancy? help?

What clothes can I wear to look curvier?

I'm nearly eighteen and an absolute twig. I hate it and I'd do anything for a womanly figure. I'm trying to gain weight but in the meantime what clothes can I wear to flatter my boyish firgure or make me look a bit more curvy? Thank you. xx

Odd nazi experiments?

Ok, I know zombies don't exist, however I'm pretty sure that the nazis were exPerimenting with making zombies and wonder weapons. I want to read more into it and I was wondering if anyone else can find anything like a website or video all about that stuff. I've already read about the bell project, and that's pretty cool other than that I couldn't find anything.

I need some Lesbian sex tips?

Hi, so the girl i've liked for two years is far more experienced than i am. We've made out a couple of times and i'd like to go farther but my insecurities are keeping me from doing so. i'm not very comfortable with my body, i feel too skinny and lacking womanly curves. also i'm worried she'll detect how inexperienced i am and be turned off. so i'd like some sex tips involving ya know eating her out, fingering her, etc. what are some things that totally drive a girl crazy?

Why isn't the use of an "autopen" machine considered forgery?

The person authorizes the use of the autopen, and the pen is not used to sign legally binding documents, merely correspondence and the like.

Time travel question. If someone goes back and kills your parents before you were born did you ever get a soul?

Just an odd thing I thought about. I'd like other peoples' thoughts. I won't say who I am, but I am a famous writer looking for new ideas off of my own thoughts and questions.

Can you get a refund on privately sold cars?

Hi, I sold my car about a month ago in qld i had a guy ring me up from nsw saying that he was flying up in the next couple of days to purchase the car. I told him i wouldnt be able to get a rwc in time he was fine with that, i left the rego on the car because it had a month left and he needed to drive it back to nsw. He has know rang me up saying he has had all these problems with the car getting it mechanically sound and cant be registered in nsw because was written off previously (which i knew nothing about it). Hes know trying to take it to the courts and wants a refund because i with held information about the car. Do i have any legal obligation to take the car back or pay for the repairs??

Why do people act like it's wrong for companies hire foreigners or outsource jobs?

To me, these companies are actually bringing people in 3rd world countries out of poverty. There's also no obligation for companies to only hire Americans.

Monday, July 11, 2011

How do I be more feminine?

I think I act like a boy way too much and I wanna be more girly but in like a mature way. I don't wanna be like all weird and overly girly; just have more womanly appeal with the way I talk and move and what not. Lately I've noticed that the things I talk about are like what my brothers would say and it not very lady like lol. I mean I look like a girl haha but I'm not as girlish as I used to be with getting ready in the mornings. I get up and straighten my hair almost everyday and I wear a little bit of makeup whenever I'm going out in public like school and stuff, but I don't bother getting very dressed up or anything mostly cuz I don't have a lot of cute clothes (or a lot of money to buy clothes) and when I do go shopping I'll usually just get a t-shirt or something cuz I don't know how to pick out outfits. And I subscribe to magazines like glamour, vogue, marie claire, and allure and I read those when I have time. So i dunno I'm just having problems talking like a lady and being graceful and stuff which is how I want to be. How do I change the way I act so I'm more lady like and womanly?

Realtionship problem :(?

I have been with my girl for about 6months now (we're only 16 years old). At the very beginning, she was extremely happy to be with me and she seemed this way up until about a week ago. Recently, she's been complaining that I've been bickering at her; though, we havent really spoken much recently (she's been working and busy), and I've only been nice to her because of her schedual. Now, she brought up asking me what I think about taking a break, and this started a fight between us. We're done fighting, and mostly resolved for the most part. However, she said she needs a week to think about us and that she doesnt know were we stand. Shes also PMSing. She seems distant. This is driving me crazy, I really don't know what to do. Is this odd behavior of hers due to her womanly issues, or is she going to leave me? I havent been able to get any sleep over this.

Can you get allergies in the summer?

Cause lately my temples, nose, eyes, and forehead have been KILLING me. And then there's this odd bad metallicy smell on my nose.

I need some womanly advice?

ok go to school nurse and ask her to take a look. Tell her your problem Maybe she can tell you about a place to go for free. sounds more like a cyst to me.

Haraam for man to wear earrings?

Yes it is haraam; Islamic tradition does not allow cross-dressing. A man should only dress in male clothes. Men who cross-dress as women or are deemed to be too effeminate will also face harassment or criminal charges.

What's the best way to attract a good guy?

i respect your style of dressing. M also a guy. Short dresses always gives the sense and feeling of sex rather than true love. So, never search the guy in short dress if you are searching true friend. The best way to attract a good guy is to maintain your personality best including beautiful dressing, enticing smile, sweet and polite sound and your interest towards the guy. But your face and body structure should be clear and attractive. It is not essential that you most much facial beautiful but the personal hygiene must be maintain.

What does a 3D film look like if you can't see 3D?

I have a lazy eye, so am unable to see 3D films, but just want to know if i went to see one, would it just look like a normal 2D film to me or would it look a bit odd?

Poll on ages 23-28 and stomach issues?

I have been finding more and more people in the age group 23-28 who have odd stomach issues. Can only eat certain foods without getting nauseas or having severe cramps or diarrhea issues. Has anyone else out there these ages had these issues? Im trying to do some research as to what vaccines everyone had during those times or even the diet provided by the school systems to see if it has something to do with it…

Something is wrong with my keyboard?

I have an odd problem with my keyboard (currently using on-screen one) When I type "r" it gives me "6r", same thing happens to some other letters as well (including F7 that gives me "u" when I click on it) .. I tried holding "Fn" and clicking num lock/F11, restarting too, but it's not helping..

How common is it to get your period but still be pregnant?!?

My doctor says it's not a period you get the bleeding is due to something with te pregnancy itself ad that a period is impossible

POLL: What do you do in your spare time?

If you have any...apart from work, school or whatever the heck is your "obligation"....what do u do in your spare time?

Should I make a move or should I wait a little while?

The best friend love story part 3. So my friend asked me to hold my hand and this time I let him. I really liked it but I didn't tell him because he said he was "practicing" holding girls' hands with me. I was looking away because I was embarrassed. He held my hand the whole way home. Yesterday one of his friends comes over to me (we were on a business trip) during lunch and said "He wants to ask you out." So my womanly instincts told me to say " I'd like to hear that from him" and sure enough he never said anything. So should I make a move on the bus ride home tomorrow?

Why are my hips so wide? (I'm a male)?

For some reason, I have these WIDE hips that really make my body It's weird. I'm not sure what I'm talking about when I say this >>> but is there cases where a guy's estrogen level alters his body to where it looks...err...womanly? I SWEAR I'm not even sure what I'm talking about, haha. All I know is that my hips are indeed wide, and I just want to know why.

Best friend broke up with him. Can I ask him out? Awkward situation?

just be his there to comfort him and whenever he needs you..adventually you will hsee him coming around to you and you will not have the awkward situation of asking him out..he will be the one asking(:

Do You think Jacob Lusk from American Idol is so Womanly and Gay!?

He sings like a black woman, so feminine! The way he moves his hips, and dances, moves his ew he's so gay!! I bet the Black community is embarrassed about him! lol not to mention his tweezed eye brows! Gross.

Do you think I made my parents mad?

yep. as parents they love you, and expect you to know this. by only stating the positive side to a negative event, youre coming off as a smart as.s

How do you un-bloat your stomach so its flat again?

If you don't drink enough water, your body will retain in. Which will make you bloated. If you drink tons of water, your body won't store it. Your body will think its going into a drought and store all that water if you are not drinking much of it. Take your weight and divide it in half...and that's how many ounces of water you should drink a day so your body doesn't store it and make you bloated. Example: if you weigh 150, drink 75 ounces of water. :)

My puppy won't stand up and is lethargic... what's going on?

My puppy is 10 months old and he is pretty active. However, just this evening, he started acting very odd. He looked rather depressed, despite the fact that all day today he was happy. He couldn't climb up the stairs, where he was perched on the middle step. He wouldn't stand up when we interacted with him, and when we helped him up, he could barely stand properly on his back legs. He didn't yelp, whine, or act aggressive in any way. He had his tail between his legs but he could stand on his own. He refused to walk or go outside, and as soon as he was up, he lay back down, acting depressed again. We felt his tummy, looked at his gums, and felt the rest of his body for any other signs of trauma or swelling. His muscles around his abdomen and leg area were somewhat tense, which caused us to look at signs of bloat. He does not seem to have that. In fact, he seemed to have a good appetite, eating his food and drinking some water. We suspect that he has a muscle injury, but we are unsure, as he does not act as if he is in pain, other than the fact that he looks very depressed with his tail between his legs. He will not straighten his hind legs all the way when we massage the seemingly injured area. Is this a muscle injury, or is it something else? Should he be taken to the veterinarian, or just observed and rested for awhile?

Why has my 20 year old son has not shown any signs of liking girls?

My oldest son who is soon to be 20 has not shown any signs of liking girls. My son is a very very good son in fact his father and I kid around saying that he is not normal because he is such a nice person in every way we see it. He is very respectful, polite, courteous, generous and considerate and also very smart. He is now attending his second year of college and is doing very well with everything. Except i have never seen him hanging out with any girls, talking on the phone with any girls and bringing home any girls or even talking about girls at all, like most guys do. Most guys talk about seeing a girl at a store and how good looking she was or this and that. My son has a group of friends who he met in high school and still hangs out with them because they all go to college together. I have met all of them and I know that none of them appear to be gay. He talks on the phone with some of them about classes they have in school and or video games and movies, etc. My son says some of the guys have girlfriends and some don't. My other son who is 17 is hanging out with a couple of girls and i hear him talking on his cell phone with them and has even brought a few female friends to the house. I have asked my 20 year old son what kind of girls he likes in a way because I am trying to find out something that can tell me about his thoughts or feelings and he just tells me he likes any type of girl as long as they pretty he says beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which is true, but still i end up knowing nothing. When people ask me how my son is they always also ask me if he has a girlfriend which I always used to say "no" he just has a group of friends, girls and guys. They always seem to be surprised and make me feel uneasy. Now when they ask i lie and say he does just so they leave me alone. My son seems to think that I am homophobic because i always say things that make him think i don't like gays or lesbians and one day he asked me jokingly what would I think if he told me he was gay and I reacted in a very emotional and hysterical and during this whole conversation he was laughing and I asked him "what are you trying to tell me?" he said "Nothing I just know how you get feel about that and I like to see you scare. He says i overreact to many things. Things like these make me feel uneasy about thinking of a possibility of him not liking girls, and being gay and being afraid of me and his dad. Or maybe he is just very shy and does not know how to open up to girls and or talk to girls. He is not the person to initiate a conversation with people. He and I are somewhat alike. We always say to each other that if someone does not talk to us, we won't go the extra step to talk to people. I don't know what to think. We tend to avoid crowds and loud occasions. When we do have to go to parties is because we have to as an obligation and if we can kick it home we rather stay home. I hoping that this is the reason why. I welcome your opinion.

I just found out my dad's a closet drinker, smoker, & goes to strip clubs regularly. how/should i tell my mom?

They had some trouble last year but seem to be very good now and don't argue anymore. He 'quit' smoking about 7 years ago, she knows he still smokes here and there but he actually smokes at least 2 packs a day, he drinks beers while driving constantly and drinks every minute he is away from the house, which is most of the day every day (she does not know about the drinking), and I found out that 4 years ago when he was traveling a lot for work that he drank and went to strip clubs like crazy.... He now is traveling again for work and the money is not coming in like it's supposed to be and my parents might lose their house... I don't know for sure that he is still going but if my mother knew about before I think it would be a deal breaker..... I don't know how or if I should tell my mom.. I would want to know if it were me and I feel a moral obligation to tell her.... What should I do?

I was divorced in FL both my ex and myself relocated to indiana.The state of indiana began enforcing Florida?

support order which at that time was $11,000.dollars in arrears, Fl was collecting 20 addt'l a week towards arrears The arrears doulbled while his ability to pay due to securing a hi- income paying job also doubled however the local court (COUNTY VIGO) lowered the $20 addt'l to a mere $10 a week and then dismissed the case. To date the arrears are 18, 000. What court can i petition.? i thought at the very least Indiana court would've applied new income withholding law. increasing the amt to be paid weekly towards the arrears..i never dreamed they would decreases it. Why was my case dismissed, could it be because he was paying support obligation...the issue is the arrears...what state will enforce them now...can i go to another county in Indiana? Help!!!!.

Are you annoyed people think you're considerably younger than reality?

I'm 24 but unless I get very dressed up, I tend to look around 16-18. I'm 5'8 & womanly curvy but have a babyface & sometimes get acne (which I don't think helps). I tend to dress simply and wear my makeup very natural. Plus, I have a squeaky, girly voice and apparently a generally innocent look I can't seem to shake off. I understand looking younger is good (in theory) but I've been known to have bartenders barely believe my ID and even ask if I was old enough to have a driver's license! I keep having trouble getting taken seriously at jobs and often wonder if this might be a partial cause. Has anyone else had similar experiences? Don't you find it incredibly annoying, especially when people you know are younger than you treat you like you're 12?

What does it mean when, in your dreams, you are running away from home?

I always have these dreams that I am sneaking out of the house at midnight. I run as fast as I can then jump and for some odd reason I start flying. But it doest frighten me to randomly start flying. is there a reason for these dreams?

Should a 6-yo girl still need "assistance" from her mother to clean herself after pooping?

My girlfriend's daughter requires "assistance" to clean herself EVERY time she poops at home. That seems odd to me. Without question, her mom would go in and clean it for her. I understand that every once in a while help may be needed, but I'm thinking what the heck! If she can't clean herself at home, then what's she doing when she's in school/camp? After suggesting to my girlfriend that she begin to teach rather than do it for her... 3 months later... nope... still going in and wiping her girls butt... 6 and a half years old! Is that normal for girls? I think it's really odd.

Should I divorce her this time?

Wow man that's a powerful situation. There are some pro's and con's to ending a marriage. I'm a 28 year old recently divorced man, got divorced last feb. I have to applaud your wife for atleast going to therapy with you, my wife refused to go. The problem with your situation is, usually when 2 people are together, and then things start to fade, usually they fade. I saw my divorce coming about a year before we actually decided to move in that direction. I don't care who you are, after the divorce, you will be bothered with if you could have done something different. What you have to realize is you are in real time now, and the past is the past. This does not mean you have an excuse to be nasty to your wife, it needs to be a clean break up, leave with neutral respect. And Explosive heated nasty divorce is very straining mentally. So , maybe in the future you two could make better friends than a couple you know? I wish my divorce didn't end so nasty. Don't follow my road!!! Make it a clean break,

My boyfriend is skinnier than me, is that weird for him?

No, I don't think it's weird at all! :) We're all different and physical appearance shouldn't interfere with feelings.

Chances of getting pregnant if Im using breastfeeding as birth control?

My husbands beliefs keep us from using any form of hormonal birth control. I HATE condoms but will start using them after my baby turns 6 months. Im exclusively breastfeeding...even throughout the night and he is 4 months old right now. Are my odds pretty good that I wont get pregnant?

Need to lose 1-3 lbs in the next 2 days for meps...?

I'm 62 inches (5'2") and 140lbs and 20 years old. I need to be safely under 140lbs by tomorrow night but most importantly Wednesday morning for MEPS. I don't care how I gotta do it because I'm only going to do it this once I love my food too much to let it be an issue. I just have womanly assets that give me extra weight so anything helps thank you!

Runner's addiction symptoms? Really odd?

I get pains in my arms and chest when I am due for a run. I allow myself to run once every 3 days and by the third day the pain starts and I get headaches. I also get sluggish and moody. While running, the endorphins kick in and I can feel the pain go away. After I run, I feel awesome. Has anyone ever heard of such strong physical withdrawal symptoms from running? It's like being addicted to drugs for me. I've never done drugs, but I imagine this is what it is like.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My boyfriend is skinnier than me, is that weird for him?

I think its pretty weird that you'd want to date a guy that small. You sound like you have what a lot of woman wish they had and a lot of men would be after so why would you be dating a man that has the body of a child.

What's my lag due to while playing video games?

I recently purchased a 32 inch LED Vizio TV, and hooked up my Xbox 360 via component cables. I put in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 to try it out on the new TV but I'm experiencing an odd delay between my controls and the actions on-screen. The lag is somewhat minimal, being only about 1 third of a second off, but noticeable enough to the point where my gameplay is affected. What is this lag due to, and how can it be fixed? The TV is 60hz, but I also have a 47 inch Vizio at 60hz, without any problems.

17 years old and never had a boyfriend.?

I'm a 17 year old girl that's never had a boyfriend. I'm a bit shy, but used to be shyer and am coming out of my shell especially recently. I have curly brown hair and am 5 foot and green eyes and am not skinny but not fat. I have womanly curves. You know, if looks matter. That I know of, I've never had a boy like me. Like, I think this guy at school likes me, but am not sure. So yeah. Should I do something to get a bf? If so what? Thanks for any advice or positive comments=)

Do you think tiger will get back to being the number 1 rated golfer?

i think he could win the odd major ,but being no1 means playing alot of matches consistently and i don't know if he has that any more

I'm Black - How can I get my little brother to stop listening to rap music?

If you really think he's turning into the lowest lifeform on earth, here's what I think you should do.. It's gonna sound a little cliche, but just sit him down and talk to him. Maybe show him some of your own favorite artists. If he enjoys them, mission complete right? If not, then just tell him to be aware that the peeps he hangs out with could get him into trouble and sh*t. Tell him you speak from experience.

How can I get more womanly everyday? Any tips please answer because it is so important to me?

Hi. I want to get more womanly. Look I am not organized, no so hygienic and very dumb. I don't have the skills a girl or a woman should have. I don't know how to walk,act,talk and dress like a woman. I moved to Bronx, NY just one and a half year now and people here curse so much that I started to do this too. How can I stop doing these bad things? Please I need your help.

Fable 3 mistpeak demon door problem...?

For some very odd reason this door is not opening for me. I've done all the things your supposed to do and yet it still wont acknowledge my expressions. It just keeps asking if im ready and to go ahead and express myself. I have 2 separate profiles with 2 separate gamertags on my xbox. With my main GT profile i have almost all the achievements for this game, but with this account the Demon Door WILL NOT open, nor will it say all the stuff it's supposed to say. However. with my second GT profile the door does say all the stuff its supposed and in fact opened without any problems. I basically created this second profile and played all the way through the game again to become queen/king just so i could help my main profile get the damn door open. Still WILL NOT OPEN!!! I've tried it with at least 20 different people with this profile and it just wont work, like its bugged or something. Doesnt make any sense. I can get it open and work properly 1st try with someone on my second profile, yet with my main one it cant even acknowledge that im even doing anything. So pissed...