Monday, July 11, 2011

I just found out my dad's a closet drinker, smoker, & goes to strip clubs regularly. how/should i tell my mom?

They had some trouble last year but seem to be very good now and don't argue anymore. He 'quit' smoking about 7 years ago, she knows he still smokes here and there but he actually smokes at least 2 packs a day, he drinks beers while driving constantly and drinks every minute he is away from the house, which is most of the day every day (she does not know about the drinking), and I found out that 4 years ago when he was traveling a lot for work that he drank and went to strip clubs like crazy.... He now is traveling again for work and the money is not coming in like it's supposed to be and my parents might lose their house... I don't know for sure that he is still going but if my mother knew about before I think it would be a deal breaker..... I don't know how or if I should tell my mom.. I would want to know if it were me and I feel a moral obligation to tell her.... What should I do?

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