Saturday, July 9, 2011

How to tell if a scorpio is interested? How to get him to back off a bit?

There's this guy who I've known since I was about 18 (I'm 24 now). Last year, he would text me here and there and I would just gently reject him. He's a nice guy, not creepy but I feel in my heart he's someone I'm not interested in. I'm not even physically attracted to him (which would be my old mistake. Disregard the physical aspect completely). It's a year later and he's still wanting to hang out with me. I'm a bit surprised that he's still pursuing it a bit but I don't feel bad about wanting to reject him. I just have to say "no" and resist it... i KNOW God is testing me... I'm at a point in my life where I would rather enjoy and get to know myself and the right one will come when he comes, no worries. I stopped settling and I want to stick to that. He just mentioned wanting to go out to a movie and (again), its sounds innocent, which makes it more tempting to go but womanly intuition feels that he's interested in me more than I ever will be with him...I would also notice how in the past, he would pose as a "guy friend" just to get updates with who's into me or who i'm hanging out with... just go deep so he can get me vulnerable and be sweet, "don't worry you'll meet the right guy. if things don't work out, you're closer to finding him." Then it seemed sweet... now, it seems a tad manipulative.... anyhoo, I was passive in my rejection...I just need advice on how to handle this the best way? It's hard to be straightforward w. someone when they "innocently" ask to hang out when you have a good idea (as a woman) their intentions are...

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